
The copycat market is coming

Time:2024-03-02 Click:63

March 2, 2024 Grandpa clocked in

Finally, the market started to rise generally. After the market stabilized, both mainstream and copycats began to exert their strength, and many coins in the layout all rose to varying degrees. From yesterday to today, the old mainstream LTC, BCH, etc. began to pull up the market, and meme tokens also surged. Shib, pepe and other coins increased several times in the short term. Doubling the profit limit is suitable for this short-term operation at this time. While controlling risks, you can improve the utilization rate of funds as much as possible and mobilize all funds. As for the layout, it is not suitable now. In the bull market, we still need to move quickly.

From a general perspective, the current market is heading upwards, so for the low-priced chips in your hand, hold them patiently if they haven't risen yet, and don't pay too much attention to those that haven't. As for what is going up, it is basically funds that are pulling the market. It will not fall easily unless it reaches a certain height. Moreover, due to the thin sales in the bull market, the price can easily suddenly reach a very high level. When taking profit, everyone places orders in batches. The gradient can be set larger and be more imaginative. The current price is tilting crazily in the other direction of the balance.

The market is good. Funds are entering the market incrementally. Generally speaking, prices have been rising in the near future. In particular, the price of the big pie is a good reference. But now the copycats have gone crazy, and the market has come to a relative end. You can take advantage of this wave of fishtail market, but you must also do a good job in risk control. It is foreseeable that once the big pie comes back, there will be a stampede in the copycat market. This is also the moment when real wealth transfers. When playing copycats, you need to have good risk control. You can register a stop-loss order, or wait patiently for a wave of counterattacks, and then add more positions to the copycats. After all, there will be several waves after they have started.

How to choose a copycat may be something that everyone is more concerned about. When we allocate at the low point of the bear market, we mostly follow the value route. We first ensure that the coin will not run away or disappear, and then enter the market based on market value and price. In a bull market, the popularity and technical form are more important. When there is a retracement, it is easier to see which sectors are stronger. This is why I recommend waiting for a retracement before entering the market. In the near future, I will do a live broadcast on copycat gameplay and arbitrage strategies.

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