
ETH Gains Strength, Expected to Break Through $4,000 Before Cancun Upgrade

Time:2024-03-08 Click:65

From yesterday to today, ETH has become stronger again. The exchange rate against BTC has exceeded 0.058, which is closer to the goal of breaking through 0.06 before the Cancun upgrade that I have been talking about these days. The price of ETH has also exceeded 3900, before the Cancun upgrade. Breaking through 4,000 is basically a certainty. After all, ETH’s previous high was close to 5,000, so it would not be surprising for ETH to break through 4,500 next week. With the strength of eth, there are also more poisonous opinions from the outside world. Bitwise analysts believe that Ethereum is likely to exceed US$8,000 or US$10,000 or even higher this year. The reason is that the Cancun upgrade increases the network effect of eth, and the consensus will become stronger, which can increase the popularity of the public. I personally think this predicted price is relatively reliable. After all, the increase in ETH in each previous bull market was more than twice that of the pie.


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