
Wednesday Evening Currency Trading Suggestions for Bullish Strategies

Time:2024-03-13 Click:109

Wednesday evening trading suggestions

Since the opening of the market in the morning, the currency price has started to fluctuate all the way up. Until the afternoon, the bulls gradually exerted their strength to rise again and hit a new high of 73755. However, the market did not go out of too much continuation, but stabilized around 73400 and fluctuated and repaired. Running.

And I gave Zuo Duo a bullish strategy near 71,000 in the morning. The bullish position during the day also skyrocketed to 90,000 miles, and accurately gained 2,500 points of space exchange power!

After the technical structure of the market went down in the early morning, the bulls rose again strongly during the day and recovered the previous decline. The overall rhythm did not change the current rising rhythm because of the short-term decline. This is also enough to illustrate the bull market stage. Strength, in terms of volume and energy, bulls are gradually increasing their volume and all moving average indicators are moving upwards, so for subsequent operations, just follow the trend and make bold moves!

Operation suggestions

The big pie is 73300-72900 Zuoduo, the target is #BTC #ETH #pepe #ARB #热门话题 above 75000

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