
Cryptocurrency Price Predictions for SHIB, MANA, and LUNC on 15 March - SEO-friendly title

Time:2024-03-17 Click:56

SHIB, MANA and LUNC Coin Price Predictions 15 March

$SHIB price fell nearly 33% from the 2024 high this week after up 358% in 14 days. This loss was due to the fluctuation in the price of BTC affecting SHIB investors more than expected. Nevertheless, SHIBA Coin, which is close to the price level at the beginning of 2022, is at $0.0000317. If BTC can achieve a persistence above $71,500, a portion of the cash entering large market-cap altcoins such as BNB, SOL may return to Shiba Coin. In this scenario, 0.00004545 dollars and 0.0000545 peaks will be targeted again. For now, the current price shows that the rise may continue.

The $MANA Coin price, which reached the $6 limit at the end of 2021, is at $0.73 today, and while most altcoins climb to the January 2022 region, it is far from that $2.8 price zone (the price of those days). For now, it's targeting $0.69 by making deeper bottoms, and below that, it could go down to the $0.58 and $0.47 zones with closes.

The $LUNC Coin, which formed the fourth bearish candle on the daily chart, is now much closer to $0.0000157. If the closes start below this, the price has the potential to retrace to $0.000127. Investors who believe in the continuation of the rise will watch closures above $0.0000171 and the possible news feed that will trigger the speculative movement could quickly reverse things. In the following hours, BTC's appetite for $76,000 could enable LUNC speculators to take action. A small detail, by the end of the summer, BTC fell to the 70,600 region and volatility is on the rise. DYOR

标签:lunc mana shib

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