
Bitcoin's Top and Bottom: Bullish Judgment on $ETH and $BNB

Time:2024-03-22 Click:81

$ETH $ETH $BNB This time the bull’s judgment is whether Bitcoin’s top is 150,000 u or the bottom is 220,000 u

Let’s move on. The reason is very simple. In fact, the bull market is not only about the benefits of halving the pie, but also about policies. The Fed's interest rate cut is actually more beneficial than the halving. In addition, the collapse of China's economic system this year, the stock market crash, the plunge in housing prices, and the country's intensity of investigation into the rich and celebrity Internet celebrities have caused a lot of money to find a place to go. The currency circle It's a good place to hide money.

The economic situation in the United States is actually worrying. Many people say that Bitcoin is the sickle of the United States. To be honest, even if it belongs to China, it should be cut or cut. We are here to make money. As long as this knife is not cut off, other things will not be considered. And Bitcoin has not disappeared for more than ten years, so it is now its turn, right? It's like a person being hit by a car when he goes out. What's there to be afraid of when the probability is infinitely close to 0? As people in the currency circle, we live on earth and have to take into account all aspects of factors. Coin speculation is not just about pure coins, but also about understanding. It is often easy to get caught by just chasing highs.

Contracts, leverage, spot, I don’t know how you will choose. You can win 99 times with the first two, but one big wave can bring you back to zero. What’s the use of a winning rate of 90%? One liquidation can destroy your account. Clear. Even if you don’t know the spot, as long as you control your own hands, making money is not as difficult as imagined

In addition, at the request of many fans, we have launched VIP. Every time there are high-quality currencies and operations, we will inform you. The details are in the comment area of ​​the top article. If you are a small retail investor, you don’t need to. You can just take a look here.

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标签:bitcoin bnb ETH

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