
BTC Price Prediction: Expect a Correction from 67K to 50K Before ATH

Time:2024-04-21 Click:91

Be careful

No matter

if $BTC go to 67 K.

After that there will be a correction and fall from #45k to #50KBTC .


btc will not cross 70k without any correction.

Market will remain in consolidation for few days Almost from 60k to 70 k range.

After that btc will move towards 50k.

Then we'll look at BTC to go For #ATH. .

Better to wait and find out the current market sentiment. Big whales are not seem to be interested in buying BTC at this price. They'll buy it after it's fixed or dropped.

The previous BTC halvings indicates that there was no sudden drop in the price of BTC, nor does BTC suddenly go to ATH. Big whales take entry when the price moves downward and At the comfortable position. And it seems to happen not too late but sooner than the previous halvings.

lets see what will happen. .

This is not financial advice.

Always DYOR before investing .


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