
Whale Sells 5,000 ETH for $19.67M, Makes $28M Profit, and Buys 24.02 Million DAI into WBTC and ETH

Time:2024-03-19 Click:47

This whale sold 5,000 ETH ($19.67M) at a price of $3,934 on March 13 and made a profit of $28M on ETH. After the price fell, he started to buy ETH and BTC again at the bottom.

He bought 24.02 million DAI into WBTC and ETH 15 minutes ago:

13.5 million DAI→205 WBTC;

10.52 million DAI→3081 ETH.

Did the whale think that the price had corrected enough, so he re-entered the market

标签:dai ETH WBTC whale

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