
April 11 Market Conditions and Hot Topics: BTC Fluctuations, US SEC Plans to Sue Uniswap, and Rising

Time:2024-04-11 Click:81

【Daily Must-Read】Quick Overview of Market Conditions and Hot Topics on April 🈷11

① Market Trend:

BTC fluctuates at a high level, and the short-term volume is insufficient. There is no hope of breaking a new high this week.

69,000 is more, 72,000 is more, and it can be eaten until the weekend of this week!

The US SEC plans to sue Uniswap, and the DeFi sector is suppressed.

US stocks plummeted, and the US dollar index soared.

The US CPI in March continued to rise higher than expected, and the expectation of interest rate cuts was postponed.

In addition, let’s talk about CKB. Yesterday, I said that I would take over above 0.037 and wait for the strong wind to blow away my coat.

Enter the market after the callback to 0.025, and look at 0.05.

If you hold a long position with a stop loss of 0.03, there is nothing wrong with the short position pattern of 0.025!

② Market Hot Spots:

1. The stable ena rose sharply, and tvl grew rapidly. At present, the fastest growing projects of TVL are Renzo, Pendle, Ena, and Zircult. Renzo and Zircult have not issued coins yet.

2. Fan coins such as ASR and JUV have risen sharply. The European Cup football match will be held.

You can pay attention to the leader CHZ

3. Runestone and PUPS of BTC rune ecology have risen sharply, and the exchange rate of Runestone is close to breaking 1. OK means support for rune protocol.

4. The ton chain ecological coin notcoin will issue coins in the near future. Notcoin is a free mining on mobile phones, with 30 million users and 5 million daily active users. The market value of the ton public chain is in the top 10.

[Zero-roll party focuses on mobile phone mining, how much you want to play depends on how much effort you spend]


标签:BTC SEC uniswap APRIL

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